Dinner and a Movie Final Picture


The Letters

Inspired by Moonrise Kingdom

    This photograph composition was influenced by the Wes Anderson film Moonrise Kingdom, which tells the story of two young kids in love. In the movie the two write little letters to one another. A very romantic thing to do, or used to be. In the present day with technology and being able to call, text, and FaceTime our loved one, we do not have as much a use for handwritten letters. However, I still find the idea of a handwritten letter very endearing and extremely meaningful. 
     The letter in the photograph is not necessarily meant to be read, the content of it is not important for the image. I did not want to put too much of my own personal context into it, because I do not want it to be about me personally, I simply want it to be an image that people can relate to or feel a connection to. That is why the old photograph is off to the side, at that angle, and you are not meant to read the letter. I wanted to capture the essence being a girl/woman and feeling deeply for someone. There are crumpled up, unfinished letters nearby, showing how it is sometimes difficult to find the right words to fully express the depth of our emotion. I included hints of pink-the mug, tea, lamp, the candle, and little stones of rose quartz(the stone that represents romance, the heart, and the opening of one's heart). 


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